Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why is a first post so scary?

What does it mean when we join together to feast around the altar as we celebrate the Eucharist? What does it mean when we share ‘snack supper’ at youth fellowship or gather at tables for Wednesday Night Supper? What does it mean when we dine with each other in our homes, sharing food that we have prepared?

I have been blessed with friends and family who love to eat! People who love to share food and fellowship with one another and who seem to understand that sitting at a table with a generous serving of pasta/bibimbap/grilled meat/naan/etc – is more than just filling a stomach, it’s also filling a soul. As I reflect upon my life, it seems that the moments around the table are the moments that I carry with me, the moments that define me. I hope to use this space to explore not only the meals that have and continue to define me, but also the beautiful call of full-time ministry.

So, let’s see where ‘blogging’ shall take us! Hopefully we will meet around the table soon! In the meantime, as my grandmother would say...

mangia, bella! mangia! (eat, beautiful! eat!)